Chris Chan You Kick Me in the Balls Again

The embrace of Issue #15, a retelling of the Issue #0.

Sonichu is a fan Webcomic created by Christine Weston Chandler (formerly Christian Weston Chandler), starring (at least initially) the eponymous electrical hedgehog Pokémon and his friends.

Sonichu started equally some sort of Pokémon/Sonic the Hedgehog crossover world, and the first few issues focus on Sonichu's origin, his coming together with his "heartsweet" Rosechu (based heavily on Amy Rose), and a supporting cast of other Hedgehog Pokémon of various types. Simply in issue #ii and from problems #iv-vii, the serial crystallizes into its present form, as Chris-Chan takes center stage, continuing her ground against, among others, evil mall cops, a malevolent witch, and internet trolls.

Tropes nowadays in Sonichu:

  • Age Cut: Done in the Spring Pause issue to show that certain characters are of legal historic period to be truthful and honest couples.
  • All There in the Manual: Multiple cases, to the point where many of the villains are only properly described in the series' Universe Bible, affectionately dubbed the CWCipedia.
  • And Knowing Is Half the Battle: Almost literally: Mid-panel, there volition oftentimes be a cautionary message, like encouraging parents to pay attending to the historic period ratings on the games their kids play, or to plug LittleBigPlanet.
  • Animated Actors: Supposedly Sonichu and Rosechu are married and have children "exterior" of the comic... which makes it even more difficult to figure out on what level of reality all this insanity is taking identify on. Even the characters themselves are having problem with telling the divergence between their reality and in-universe fiction, such as Sonichu mistaking drawings of Rosechu in the nude as real aboveboard photographs of her.
  • Art Evolution: Starting with issue 5, characters utilize some vaguely animesque expressiond, such every bit ^_^, sweat drops, and Cross-Popping Veins.
  • Artifact of Doom: The Black Sonichu Medallion worn by Reldnahc.
  • Artifact Title: Sonichu was originally most the adventures of the titular Electric Hedgehog Pokémon. Then the comic shifted focus to the misadventures of Chris-Chan.
  • Every bit the Practiced Book Says...: Rosechu uses Joseph's story to remind Sonichu to testify forgiveness to Jason Kendrick Howell. This is immediately thrown out the window when Jason beans Rosechu with a pickle and she responds by face raping him.
  • Author Avatar: Chris-Chan appears in the comic as a major graphic symbol, somewhen becoming the main focus.
  • Author Entreatment: Numerous references to anime and Adult Swim programs, a Monty Python quote or ii, and most famously Rosechu making pornographic pictures of herself to try countering troll accusations of her having a "pickle".
  • Berserk Button: Rosechu and pickles, Sonichu being chosen a human being.
  • Bigger Is Ameliorate in Bed: Chris's penis in the third special outcome showing her honeymoon with Ivy. It'southward nicknamed the "Giant Penis Comic", and is Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Scarily, said penis has a 45-degree curve to information technology.
  • Big "NO!": Chris when she learns that the date with Hanna was a prank.
  • Big Brother Is Watching: Magi-Chan Sonichu enforces CWCville'south anti-homosexuality and child corruption laws past spying telepathically on people having sexual practice, on the off-chance that two men might be having sex at any time (which equates to a $500 fine or l hours of customs service). This was somewhen Ret-Conned.
  • Bland-Name Production: Rosechu uses a "Quadak" note Kodak-brand digital camera in Sonichu eight.
  • Boutonniere Toss: Sarah "Nicole" tosses her hymeneals bouquet to Chris-Chan at the finish of Episode 12.
  • Chaste Hero: Magi-Chan, the nigh powerful Sonichu and the Simply Sane Man, used to not seek romance. This soon changes— he'south currently Silvana's swain.
  • Character Filibuster: Played directly when Chris-Chan harangues the "Jerkops" (policemen who tried removing her from a mall) afterwards defeating her, or Sonichu's impassioned spoken language given to "Jason" on the top of "Four-Cent Garbage" building almost trolling.
  • Chickification: Megagi La Skunk.
  • Compressed Hair: Mary Lee Walsh, on-and-off.
  • Metropolis of Gamble: CWCville is supposed to be like this, only the accidentally Orwellian overtones kinda wreck that portrayal.
  • Christmas Special: Outcome 11 starts with "A Sonichu Christmas", as episode but showing the characters' Christmas activities.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Several characters are introduced, only to have little to no relevance later on.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: The heroes subject Sean, Evan, Mao and Alec to this in Sonichu x. So they kill them. Somehow, the reader is supposed to root for the torturers.
  • Combination Assault: Chrs-Chan Pure Pulse-Jolt Lance! And so awesome and Animesque, it was misspelled twice.
  • Cosmic Keystone: The Sunstone. It gets forgotten the result afterward it'south introduced.
  • Cross-Popping Veins: In one pic of Reldnahc Notsew Naitsirhc.
  • Crossover: Of Sonic the Hedgehog and Pokémon, originally.
  • Cure Your Gays: Chris-Chan'south anti-gay vaccine. The fact that she donated some of her own blood to create said vaccine makes it kinda funny if you know enough nigh vaccines.
  • Beautiful and Psycho: Sandy hears about Evan killing her her mother, Simonla, a few minutes after existence born. In Simonla'due south trial, Evan is sentenced to beingness bludgeoned to decease by Sandy, who at the time is but a few weeks old.
  • Darker and Edgier: Issue ten, which features Chris-Chan torturing iv people to expiry in the about brutally inhumane ways- including snapping their bones, shooting them at signal blackness range, electrocuting someone until they end upward a burned husk, and forcing a girl with the emotional maturity of a fourth grader to drill someone to death.
  • Demoted to Extra: Sonichu himself takes a backseat to everyone else in the comic after issue #i.
  • Depending on the Artist: This series manages to be a single-artist version of this trope. We can prove information technology, also.
  • Deus ex Machina: Magi-chan is "psychic", which means that he can teleport anyone in and out of activeness and explain, out of the blue, what the heck the other characters are supposed to actually do in these stories. Psychic powers: the perfect putty to plug plot holes.
  • The Devil Is a Loser: Beel, ostensibly a Satan analogue, simply also the peevish secretary of the iv-Cent Garbage HQ.
  • Disappeared Dad: Washed retroactively for Wild in Sonichu #8.
  • Asymmetric Retribution:
    • Chris-Chan inflicts a horrible curse on the Jerkhief that results in the loss of the his family, home, and everything he owns—for arresting her over... something. It was never properly explained.
    • In Sonichu 10, Writer Avatar Chris and Sonichu assault the Belfry with The Power of Rock which causes the building to plummet, killing 100 of its workers and injuring some other 150. Chris-Chan's following dialogue makes it clear that she thinks they deserved it... for beingness trolls.
    • A guy calls Family unit Guy's Million Griffin a man. Chris gets upset. The guy calls her "Madam Chrissy". She punches the man in the face.
    • Based on rather flimsy show, they linked Alec, Evan, Sean, and Mao to the murder of Simonla Rosechu. And so what does Author Avatar Chris do? Accept a show trial with an obviously biased judge, society the four to exist executed and then impale them onscreen in the almost brutal ways possible.
  • Distaff Counterpart: Crystal, Chris-Chan's sister note Chris identified as male at the time.
  • Distress Ball: Rosechu carries this in Issue 1. When she was kidnapped by Black Sonichu and imprisoned in a secret base of operations, she didn't even break out considering the bars were rubber-coated. Sonichu has to free her by spindashing into them, but she can spin dash as well, so she could have freed herself.
  • Double Standard: Rape, Female on Male: Rosechu's heroic "face-rape" of Jason Kendrick Howell.
  • Dreaming of Things to Come up: Ivy'due south vision of becoming Chris-Chan'southward girlfriend. Fifty-fifty meliorate, God and Jesus dorsum her up on it.
  • Dungeon Primary: Magi-Chan has elements of this kind of character. Despite being near omniscient and very powerful, he ordinarily does trivial more than teleport other characters where they need to go and serve as comic's resident Mr. Exposition.
  • Egopolis: CWCville, where everything is named later on the mayor. The currency (C-Quarters and W-Quarters), the only known radio station, (KCWC) the soda brand. (CWC Cola) The mayor's birthday is celebrated every bit Christian Love Day.
  • Everything's Amend with Rainbows: The rainbow formed from Sonichu's creation, which turned a Raichu into Rosechu and made eggs that would eventually hatch into the Chaotic Combo and Silvana.
  • Evil Is Petty: Mary Lee Walsh and the Jerkops have nothing better to do than keep Chris-Chan from getting a girlfriend.
  • Evil Twin: Played directly with Reldnahc Notsew Naitsirhc, who is the complete opposite of Chris-Chan, a member of Team Rocket who later came out of the closet, and later still was cured of homosexuality. Also, Black Sonichu (later renamed Blake, to avoid looking racist), who is to Sonichu what Shadow is to Sonic.
  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: The 4-Cent Garbage Headquarters, all 66+ half-dozen floors of it.
  • Expansion Pack Past:
    • The Chaotic Combo were originally birthed past the rainbow created when Sonichu became a Sonic/Pikachu hybrid, in the late '90s, at the same time equally Sonichu. Supposedly this created all the Sonichus at one time, except so the author started adding in more than and more Sonichus, some of whom were said to exist older than Sonichu or Rosechu. But after the author started cartoon and then in sexual practice scenes, she had realized a scrap late that the characters were underage. In response, she declared the eggs were sent back in time, making everyone 18 or older, and that others were hurled though time and space.
    • Taken to extremes on the CWCipedia, which contains everything from the obvious long time agone (like Sonichu and Rosechu existence married and having children) to the plot-relevant, none of which shows up in the comic.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Jason Kendrick Howell, who thus looks like Big Boss.
  • Fatal Flaw: Chris-chan but can't get the daughter. And after in the comic, she can't continue her.
  • Forgotten Fallen Friend: Anytime anybody dies in the comic, their survivors take a panel or then to say "we've got to motion on" and practise just that.
  • For the Evulz: All of the villains have piffling motivation towards tormenting Chris-Chan "because." The closest thing to a given explanation is that they just don't want her to observe dearest.
  • Freudian Excuse: Mary Lee Walsh (AKA Slawheel the Witch) hates love because she's a social outcast who isn't loved herself.
  • Frozen in Fourth dimension: The popularity of franchises, aspects, pop music, fads and toys within the comics and the subject field's life seems to be stuck perpetually in 1999.
  • Furry Confusion: Your average CWCville Pokémon has almost a 50/l risk of being either a regular Pokémon or a humanoid Poké-person with clothes and Non-Mammal Mammaries.
  • Generation Xerox: Sandy Rosechu, Simonla Rosechu's daughter. Introduced as a way of keeping Simonla after killing her off.
  • Godwin's Law: Beel, a secretary for 4-cent garbage, was revealed to be an assistant for Hitler and is condemned to being a troll for all eternity.
  • Gratuitous Japanese: Jiggliami's song "War of Love" (a ripoff of "Love is State of war" by Miku Hatsune) in Episode eighteen.
  • Groin Attack: Called 'Kicking them in the Sourdough Area'. Performed unto a Jerkop in Subepisode i, and recommended by Chris-Chan as the ideal form of self-defense against both regular and Rex Mook king-sized Jerkops in Sub-Episode 6.
  • Hermaphrodite: Silvana. And earlier you inquire, aye, Rule 34 art of Silvana exists.
  • IKEA Erotica: Rosechu actually says "Insert Rod A into Slot B" before sex with Sonichu. It'south intended to be erotic.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: Jiggliami'south managing director, Blanca, who as well plays "atomic number 82 Guitar Hero" for her. It's not entirely clear whether she plays an actual guitar and plays Guitar Hero on the side for practice or if all she can play is Guitar Hero which makes it all the more difficult to believe she and Jiggliami are huge pop stars.
  • I'grand Having Soul Pains: Literally, in the case of a Jerkop in Sub-Episode ane.
  • Informed Ability: Punchy is apparently a master of "NonSequitur random-access humor," only never used it in the comic.
  • Informed Bewitchery: Kel calls Rosechu "as cute equally a rose".
  • Informed Attribute: The ladies are Satellite Characters for their Spear Counterparts and play up rather outdated female archetypes. While they accept personalities (as per the Universe Bible) they're never really touched upon.
  • In the Hood: Jason Kendrick Howell conceals his Eyepatch of Power with a voluminous cloak.
  • In the Proper name of the Moon: Chris-Chan and Crystal ofttimes denote their status every bit warriors of love and honesty, while Crewman Megtune is addicted of these speeches as well.
  • Invincible Hero: The main cast. This is slowly but surely turned Up to 11.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: Author Avatar Chris'south signature attack "Expletive-ye-ha-me-ha"
  • Kangaroo Court: The trial held for Sean, Alec, Simon and Mao in the Sonichu 10 finale, consummate with a conspicuously biased judge, a prosecutor who drags up completely unrelated issues to the trial and forced self-representation.
  • Kudzu Plot: Not a traditional example of this considering the story isn't really all that complex, the randomly shoehorned-in plot elements aren't all that good for the comic'southward flow. This was promptly stock-still—by sidelining well-nigh of the cast.
  • Lampshade Hanging:
    • Quoth Mary Lee Walsh, "Eh... outset nosotros've had the parodic transformations, now we actually have a Crewman Moon pretty daughter sailor soldier? What a kooky world."
    • Sonichu lampshades the comic's major apply of Wall of Text in the epilogue of Episode 20 .

      "Fifteen minutes of dialogue, and a transformation, later on..."

  • Legion of Doom: In issue 7, well-nigh all the previous villains squad upwards and try to take over CWCville.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: There are at to the lowest degree 100 characters, with at least a few getting introduced each issue.
  • Dear at Commencement Sight All the romantic pairings in the comic.
  • MacGuffin: The 7 Sonichu Balls.
  • Medium Blending: Several comics feature stills of Creator Cameo Chris in identify of the fatigued version interacting with drawn characters.
  • Mood Whiplash: The characters have an uncanny ability to completely forget that something absolutely awesome or something devastatingly tragic happened.
  • Nonhumans Lack Attributes: Subverted. Although some scenes portray the championship character (and others) as characterless, the author goes out of his way in issue #8 to explicate the anatomical details that conceal their ballocks and nipples.
  • Non-Indicative Name: The Chaotic Combo does not produce chaos on a regular basis. Magi-chan is a psychic, not a mage. Bionic is not a cyborg, an android, or a robot. Collosal-chan is no bigger than Chris-Chan. Super Chris-chan Sonichu is but Chris-chan Sonichu with some wing hairclips on. We still have no idea what Merried Senior Comic is supposed to fifty-fifty mean.
  • Not Right in the Bed: This is how Bubbling Rosechu discovers her lover is really resident shapeshifting Hermaphrodite Silvana. They never really got around to the sex.
  • Number of the Beast: The 4-Cent Garbage Headquarters is "66+ vi" stories tall.
  • Off-Model: Despite existence one of the few cases where there isn't a uniform model to brainstorm with, seeing the characters randomly modify size or even shape in the aforementioned page is very disorienting.
  • The Only One Immune to Defeat You: Sonichu saves Slaweel Ryam'south life in episode 20 because "the last accident belongs to Christian." Chris-Chan returned the adjacent event, had a heart-to-center talk with Slaweel, learned well-nigh her Freudian Excuse, declared she'll never forgive her anyway and trounce her up, paralyzing her in the process.
  • Only Sane Man: Mayhap unintentionally, Magi-Chan.
  • Orphaned Serial: If not one already, and so at least speedily headed that way.
  • Pair the Spares: Common. For instance, when people thought Magi-Chan is a homosexual due to not having a girl and his actions, he was paired upwards with Silvana Rosechu.
  • Pals with Jesus: Both God and Jesus (aka GodJesus) have appeared in-comic to congratulate Ivy on existence Chris' future mate.
  • Panty Shot: Later episodes have a lot of shots of Rosechu's panties.
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Despite being CWCville'south mayor, Chris-Chan does very little work in comparison to her secretary, former moving picture star Allison Bister.
  • Plot Hole: Chris-Chan eventually makes it "legal for all homosexuals to do as they please inside the urban center", unaware that just a few pages before, she "cured" homosexuality.
  • Plot-Relevant Age-Up: The daughter of Wild and Simonla transformed from a Rosey into Sandy Rosechu and gained intellectual abilities of a fourth-grader in a mere week since her nascency (only in fourth dimension to contribute to the death sentence of four men).
  • Potty Failure: Reldnahc ends up with dirty briefs after Chris-Chan curses him.
  • The Power of Rock: Used to demolish the 4-Cent Garbage building by, believe information technology or non, using Guitar Hero/Rock Revolution instruments to sing a song about how much ameliorate Power Rangers used to be, sung to the tune of Cat Scratch Fever.
  • Product Placement: There'southward plenty of free advertising for products Chris likes. For example, Issue 10 features an advertizement for LittleBigPlanet and a alarm not to buy or download illegal versions of it for the Wii and Xbox 360, even though they don't exist.
  • Punny Proper noun: Chris-Chan is pronounced pretty much like Christian annotation the author's name at the time of writing.
  • Put on a Autobus: Several. Metal Sonichu is however upwards on the moon, waiting for his comeback; Sarah Hammer, aka Saramah Rosechu, disappeared from the comic after she married William Spicer. Crystal (the sister) was removed when she was trapped in the "dark mirror" by Mary Lee Walsh and Count Graduon. All the characters promised to become and rescue her, but the next comic was about them going on leap break and having lots of sex activity, and Crystal hadn't been mentioned again until Chris goes super-mode and ties upwardly the loose ends as apace every bit possible. Jiggliami and Blanca were shooed off the comic with a footnote explaining that Jiggliami went away and had a successful career. Chris-Chan herself was removed for a brief catamenia of fourth dimension subsequently she was lost in the time void. And so she came back, and left again, explicitly announcing that she won't be dorsum and is going to get out the story to its title character. She broke her promise on the very start page of Issue 10.
  • Put on a Double-decker to Hell: Chris's "sweethearts" in the comic. So she took out two of her enemy characters non through an honorable fight, simply having them realize homosexuality is wrong, that Chris-Chan was right, and suddenly be content to commit suicide by jumping downward their building'south 72-story elevator shaft.
  • Quest for Sex: The goal of Chris-Chan'due south "Love Quest". She finally succeeds in Consequence 10.
  • Rouge Angles of Satin: A recurring trouble in Sonichu.
    • There is a character called Merried Seinor Comic. There'due south no indication to what his proper noun actually means.
    • It is "last rites," Non "last rights."
  • Satellite Beloved Interest: Rosechu. She pretty much only exists to show that Sonichu is Directly. Ivy O'Neil in the comics can exist considered this too. She'south told by God and Jesus that her true love is to be Chris herself once she escapes from the mirror, and she accepts this without question or protestation. She'south pretty much non characterised at all across that.
  • Screw Learning, I Take Phlebotinum!: Somehow, getting smacked with a powered-upward hedgehog or a rainbow instantly gives wild rodents the ability to talk and reason like humans.
  • Sdrawkcab Name: Reldnahc Notsew Naitsirhc. A plumbing fixtures proper noun for the evil twin of the Writer Avatar.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Count Graduon, the evil spirit defeated long ago by the Cherokee and Wasabi tribes, is sealed in the scepter of the evil witch Mary Lee Walsh and is the Greater-Scope Villain of the comic.
  • Secret Relationship: Bubbles and Blake keep their human relationship a secret because... well, it'due south never actually stated.
  • Sexual practice every bit Rite-of-Passage: A recurring theme.
  • Shock and Awe: Oddly, even though nearly of the characters are described as "Electrical Hedgehog Pokémon," Sonichu is the only 1 who uses electric powers with any kind of regularity, because they either have secondary typing that they focus on (the Chaotic Combo) or aren't Electric-type at all (Jamsta, Lolisa and Simonla).
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: Sonichu and Rosechu. To a lesser extent, the other couples count too.
  • Sissy Villain: Reldnahc Notsew Naitsirhc. Because he'due south gay, later all.
  • Species Surname: Nearly male and female members of the Electric Hedgehog Pokémon species have Sonichu and Rosechu as their respective last names.
  • Stay in the Kitchen: Rosechu, strictly speaking, should be at least as powerful as Sonichu (in fact, she should really exist more than powerful since she evolved from a Raichu), but her life revolves around shopping (and spending also much money when she does information technology), giving gifts to Sonichu, and getting kidnapped.
  • Stylistic Suck: The Take That! given towards Asperchu.
  • Super Empowering: Chris-chan can give people, similar her dog, superpowers.
  • Super Mode: Ultra Sonichu, based on Super Sonic. Colossal Chan, based on the Super Saiyan 4 transformation.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Sandy serves as a replacement to Simonla after her death by filling out basically the same role she had. Sandy is also Simonla's daughter and takes quite a few design cues from her.
  • This Is a Drill: Simonla has a drill at the cease of her tail and can turn her hand into drills.
  • Totally Radical:
    • Much of the slang dates back to the 1990s, and tin can date equally far back as the '80s.
    • Jamsta Sonichu is a DJ for a radio station who regularly uses retro slang.
  • Transformation Trinket: The Sonichu Medallion allows Chris-Chan to transform into the super-powered Chris-chan Sonichu. Information technology was subsequently Retconned that information technology was actually her loftier school ring that gave her powers, thus creating a new MacGuffin.
  • Troll: They're depicted in an uncomplimentary mode.
  • Unsound Upshot: *teleports in* among many others. They're all mostly based on Pokémon moves since 99% of the characters are Pokémon.
  • Unstoppable Rage: When Jason Kendrick Howell throws a pickle at Rosechu, she snaps, strips naked, and claws the shit out of his caput while confront-raping him.
  • Unusual Euphemism:
    • In Sonichu #7, Sonichu uses the word "raincoat" for a prophylactic as part of a pun.
    • In this comic, "pickle" is normally used as a euphemism for penis.
  • Vanity License Plate: Chris-Chan has one. Information technology reads "SONICHU."
  • Villain Decay: Blake goes from being Sonichu's arch-nemesis to complaining near Reldnahc to him in the middle of an episode. Then, he hooks upwardly with Bubbling and becomes her Satellite Character before being most entirely written out.
  • Visual Pun: Cyberspace trolls are represented as troll dolls.
  • Wall of Text: The most common form of dialogue. Information technology gets and then bad some pages even have numbers telling the readers in what order to read the text in. Taken Up to Eleven in Issue #16, in which blocks of exposition take up the majority of most pages, with illustrations being relegated to narrow columns or even the margins.
  • Wham Episode: The end of result 10 has i of the about shocking twists in the comic. Simonla'due south expiry every bit well as the trial and execution/punishment of the Asperpedia team make upwardly the grimmest scenes in the comic.
  • Weaksauce Weakness:
    • Anything remotely phallic likewise his own "duck" makes Sonichu whimper, whine, and gag. Even pickles on a burger.
    • On another note, touching the white mark on Chris-chan Sonichu'due south chest will make her revert to human form.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Metallic Sonichu evidently survives his defeat in Sonichu #one which results in a Cliffhanger ending, but has yet to reappear in the comic since.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Mary Lee Walsh. Even after her Freudian Excuse (having never been loved herself) is revealed to her adversary, she yet beats her into a state of paralysis.
  • Writing Effectually Trademarks: The reason why Sonichu exists in the first place.
  • Xanatos Roulette: The plan Sean, Evan, Alec and Mao hatch to kill Simonla Rosechu obviously hinges on Simonla going to the toilet in a cinema after the movie is over, going to one item stall, not having anyone go to the toilet before her and not noticing a Voltorb (a big scarlet and white orb with eyes) poorly hidden behind the toilet.
  • Year Within, 60 minutes Outside: Chris-Chan spent ix months trapped in the Time Void, but to her it felt closer to but one month.


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